Moissanite vs Diamond

Moissanite vs Diamond

When it comes to considering which sparkly stone to choose for an engagement ring, moissanite and diamond are the most common contenders. Each has its own unique characteristics, and distinguishing between the two will help you make the right selection. In this article we will be exploring the intricate differences between moissanite and diamond, and which makes the most aesthetically beautiful piece of jewelry.

What is Moissanite?

Moissanite is a durable gemstone, and it is the one of the hardest natural gemstones available. It is composed of silicon and carbon, and the material was first discovered in 1893 by the Nobel Prize-winning French scientist, Henri Moissan. At the time, Moissan thought he had discovered diamond, but it was ultimately revealed to be a novel mineral which he named “moissanite.”

Moissanite vs Diamond: Which is More Beautiful?

Moissanite is a beautiful stone, and it has the potential to be cut and polished to create an eye-catching piece of jewelry. Although moissanite is substantially more affordable than diamond, it is believed to be even more sparkly and beautiful than diamond. In terms of hardness, moissanite measures in as a 9.25 on the Mohs scale while diamond comes in at 10.

Brilliance and Fire

Moissanite and diamond both shine brilliantly, and both will sparkle under any lighting. But moissanite does have a unique advantage when it comes to its ability to reflect color and light. It has more “fire” than diamond. Which means that it is more likely to sparkle and reflect more rainbow colors than diamond. While they both shine brightly, moissanite may have a slight edge when it comes to fire and brilliance.

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Moissanite comes in a variety of colors, with the most common being yellow and light gray. Colors can be enhanced through polishing or maintaining the stone, and many jewelers prefer the classic color of diamond. Moissanite is available in a variety of shades.


When it comes to clarity, both moissanite and diamond can contain a range of inclusions (internal flaws or defects). However, moissanite is more likely to contain minor imperfections and inclusions, while diamonds is more often free from visible inclusions. This means that brighter and more sparkling moissanite stones are usually available than diamonds.

Is Diamond More Durable Than Moissanite?

Although moissanite is hard and durable, diamond is generally accepted as being the most durable and hard gemstone. Diamond is the hardest natural substance found on Earth. It has a higher resistance to scratching and breaking compared to moissanite.

That being said, both diamond and moissanite are quite durable and should provide substantial protection for the jewelry.

When it comes to choosing a beautiful gemstone for your engagement ring, moissanite and diamond are both great contenders. Moissanite has the potential to look even more sparkly and beautiful than diamond, and it is available in a variety of colors and shades.

Although diamond is more durable than moissanite, both stones will provide substantial protection. Ultimately, the decision between moissanite and diamond is entirely personal. You should choose the one that you find to be most aesthetically beautiful.

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