Most Expensive Diamond Colors

Most Expensive Diamond Colors

We all know that diamonds are essential to any sparkly gems. But did you know that there are different colors of diamonds that can be even more expensive than the average diamond? In this article, we will discuss the most expensive diamond colors and answer questions such as: are colored diamonds natural? How are colored diamonds priced? And what’s the difference between red, blue, pink, and yellow diamonds?

Are Colored Diamonds Natural?

The short answer is yes, colored diamonds are natural. While the majority of diamonds have the same color hue, some have a different hue due to an array of possible causes such as minerals and elements that have interacted with the diamond in some form or fashion.

As a result, colored diamonds are just as rare as colorless diamonds while some are even rarer depending on the color. Therefore, it’s no surprise that colorless diamonds typically are cheaper than colored diamonds.

How are Colored Diamonds Priced?

Colored diamonds have a unique pricing structure. A diamond’s price is most heavily influenced by the cut, carat weight and color quality. However, with colored diamonds, the intensity of color is a major factor in pricing. While the GIA’s traditional diamond color and colorless system all the way from “D” to “Z,” they also established a fancy diamond color grading system that evaluates a diamond’s hue, saturation and tone. Therefore, diamonds of higher quality are worth more than those of lower quality.

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Red Diamonds

Red diamonds are one of the rarest and thus, the most expensive diamond colors on the market. Most naturally red diamonds range from brownish reds to purplish reds. While those that are more vibrant fall within the deep red color range. The rarest red diamond is known as the Moussaieff Red Diamond and is one of the most expensive diamonds in the world.  One of the most sought after shades of red diamonds is the Fancy Purplish Red hue.

Blue Diamonds

Blue diamonds are the second rarest diamond color primarily. Due to the presence of the element boron in the diamond’s chemical composition.

Since finding a naturally blue diamond is difficult due to the low presence of boron in diamonds, many of the blue diamonds on the market have been treated to enhance their color. Of all the fancy blue diamonds on the market, the Fancy Intense Blue is the rarest as these diamonds are usually passed from generation to generation in some of the world’s most esteemed collections.

Pink Diamonds

Pink diamonds are not created equal. The rarity and price of a pink diamond depend largely on the intensity of the pink color. The GIA diamond color grading system labels pink diamonds from Fancy Light Pink to Fancy Vivid pink.

With the latter being the most valuable and sought after. Generally, pink diamonds that have a purplish hue tend to attract a higher premium than those that have a brownish hue. As these diamonds are rare in comparison.

Yellow Diamonds

Yellow diamonds are one of the most common and sought after diamond colors. While the colour of yellow diamonds may range from faint yellow to vivid yellow. It’s the Fancy Intense and Fancy Vivid Yellow diamonds that usually pull the highest amount of attention and premiums. The GIA Diamond Color Grading system breaks yellow diamonds down into shades such as fanciful yellow-green, yellow-orange, yellow-brown and grey-yellow.

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In conclusion, colored diamonds come in a variety of hues and tones. Cognizing the different shades and the impact they have on pricing can be helpful when trying to distinguish the rarest diamonds. In the end, no matter what diamond hue you’re looking for, there is something out there fit for you.

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