How to rating Diamonds

How to rating Diamonds

The quality of diamonds is determined based on their physical characteristics, collectively known as the 4C’s. These four properties: Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat weight are what make up the diamond rating system.

The 4C’s are the most important aspects to look at when selecting the right diamond. By understanding each of the four elements, you can get a better sense of how a diamond is rated so you can pick the one that is perfect for you.

What Qualities Matter Most on diamonds rating?

When it comes to rating diamonds, it is important to consider all of the 4C’s, as each contributes to the diamond’s overall beauty and quality. Here is an overview of the four elements that make up the diamond grading scale.

The Cut

The beauty of the diamond is strongly connected to how it is cut. A diamond cut that meets the highest standards will reflect light in a way that creates a dazzling display of brilliance and scintillation. A properly cut diamond also showcases the diamond’s color, clarity and other characteristics, emphasizing their qualities and making the diamond look its best.


Brilliance and scintillation are two important aspects of the diamond’s cut. Both of which are affected by how the diamond is cut and the number of facets it has.

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The quality of the diamond’s cut is determined by the angles and lengths of its various facets. As well as how the facets interact with each other. A diamond with higher levels of brilliance and scintillation will display a brighter inner fire and provide a greater sense of sparkle and glimmer.

Non-Round Diamond Cuts

When assessing the quality of a diamond, you should also consider the type of cut used to create the diamond. A round diamond is the most common choice, but there are other cuts that can also create an exquisite jewel. Cuts such as marquise, pear, oval, princess, and heart can create a unique and beautiful piece of jewelry.

Diamond Shape

The shape of a diamond also plays an important role in its rating. Round diamonds are usually the most sought-after shape, but fancy-shaped diamonds can also provide an interesting and unique look. Many people prefer fancy-shaped diamonds because they create a more personalized look.

Diamond Color

The color of a diamond is an important factor in its rating. A diamond’s color is determined by the amount of yellow, gray, and brown hues it contains. While colorless diamonds are often the most sought-after, certain colors, such as a pink hue, pinkish hue, yellow hue, can have increased value.


The clarity of a diamond determines how many inclusions or blemishes are visible when viewing the diamond under a 10x. The fewer inclusions a diamond has, the more valuable it is. Since a diamond with fewer inclusions looks brighter and more vivid.

Diamond Clarity Grades

Diamond clarity grades range from IF, meaning a diamond with no inclusions or blemishes visible to the naked eye, to I4, which means a diamond has many inclusions that are visible with the naked eye.

See also  Gem Classification

Diamonds with clarity grades of VS1 or higher are the best quality diamonds, since they have fewer inclusions and look brighter.

When is a Diamond Not a Gem?

While the 4C’s can be used to rate diamonds, they cannot be used to rate an object that is not a diamond. Cubic-zirconia and moissanite do not contain the same properties as diamonds and are not graded on the same scale.


Diamonds are measured in carats, which determines the diamond’s weight. The higher the carat weight, the more valuable the diamond is. Carat weight also determines the size of the diamond. Which can have an effect on the diamond’s appearance when viewing it from a distance.

Does Size Matter?

When it comes to a diamond’s size, it does not necessarily make a huge difference in terms of its beauty and quality.

A diamond may look bigger when viewed from a distance. But once you view it up close, the size difference may not be as noticeable.

Differences Between an SI1 and an SI2 Diamond

The SI1 and SI2 clarity grades are both considered to be good quality diamonds. The difference between the two is that an SI2 diamond will have inclusions that are visible to the naked eye, while an SI1 diamond will not have any inclusions visible.

It is important to consider all of the 4C’s, as each contributes to the diamond’s overall beauty and quality. Each of the 4C’s has an impact on a diamond’s quality, and each should be taken into account when selecting a diamond.

By understanding what qualities are important to consider when rating diamonds you can pick a diamond that meets your standards and preferences.

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